DanceAbility Tips: Take Good Care of Your Body


It’s that time of year again where people can find themselves under the weather, warn out, stressed and not feeling their best. I have tried lots of different kinds of supplements to keep my body well and strong. Dr. Bo’s Immune Care has greatly helped me and is above and beyond any immune builder I’ve ever tried.

Since I am a person who is highly productive and work with a lot of people, adding to it our ever changing weather from one day to another and different conditions in our air quality… I find it very successful to take an immune builder supplement everyday along with my daily regimen supplements. I rarely ever find myself feeling under the weather and with low energy levels. I work at staying healthy and find that taking care of my immune system is essential to me staying healthy and well consistently!

I highly recommend Immune Care. If you are interested in trying it out or getting more information you can call 310-576-4974 or order online at

Hope this is of help to you!

Maria DelBagno