Stretch and Strengthen Success Stories!
This week, we would like to feature two success stories from our incredible students of our online Stretch and Strengthen class! This class focuses on increasing physical flexibility and strength through gentle-on-the-joints workouts and movement sequences targeted in specific areas. Throughout the class, the entire body is worked, and the results have been astounding!
Beth Robbin’s Success Story:
Picture this:
A world where everyone has to stay home because of a pandemic. A woman sits on her couch eating a box of Wheat Thins and Dark Chocolate Covered Pretzel Thins from Trader Joe’s. She gleefully spends her day watching Netflix and hanging with her dogs…until it hurts to get out of bed. Her back is stiff walking said dogs. Her scale screams…STOP! Then she hears about Maria Del Bagno’s Stretch and Strengthen class. At first her muscles shook and she was so sore the next day she almost didn’t go back. But a little voice inside her head said…JUST DO IT.
Three months later she is strong, supple and has lost 7 of her 10 Covid lbs!
She still loves Wheat Thins and Chocolate Covered Pretzel Thins.
Kathy’s Success Story:
Participating in Maria's Stretch and Strengthen Class on Monday and Friday mornings is a priority in my life and fitness right now.
Maria doesn't just let me go through the motions; she is very intent that I and the other students always have good form, a full stretch, proper posture, and use our core with every exercise. Maria really knows her stuff! Her routine hits all body parts for strength, flexibility, core and balance too. I'm rarely sore after the class, but I feel like I've gotten a challenging workout.
After participating in Maria's Stretch and Strengthen class for a month, I feel I have much greater and deeper body awareness. I love the camaraderie of the class that I experience even on Zoom. It is very evident that Maria cares.
“In this class, I feel I’m doing the best possible movements for my body, mind, heart, and soul, and enjoying it!”